
In a world brimming with ordinary experiences, Rabbit Hole stands as a beacon of creativity and celebrating the extraordinary in all of us. Explore our diverse line of spirits to find the perfect one for you.

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Take the Rabbit Hole whiskey quiz to find the whiskey that is perfect for you.

take the quiz
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Our whiskey’s are 51% corn and 49% possibility. Our Kentucky Straight Bourbon and Rye Whiskeys are truly one-of-a-kind. Using signature malted grains, each expression is crafted from a different recipe and enters the barrel at a lower proof to preserve flavor.

explore our products
Group 941.svg__PID:b053d00d-e425-43f0-950c-1e8ff6c9f659

No shortcuts. No compromise. Nothing left to chance. With a clear mission to cut through the noise, he set out to redefine the standard for American Whiskey. So, find what you love, and go all in. Because destiny is a choice.

read about our process

In a world brimming with ordinary experiences, Rabbit Hole stands as a beacon of creativity and celebrating the extraordinary in all of us. Explore our diverse line of spirits to find the perfect one for you.

Group 927.svg__PID:633c77f0-d4e2-45a1-aebe-c5692d8fd961

Take the Rabbit Hole whiskey quiz to find the whiskey that is perfect for you.

Group 941-2.svg__PID:13af0743-26ec-4be0-aa23-a2053b1cae12

Our whiskey’s are 51% corn and 49% possibility. Our Kentucky Straight Bourbon and Rye Whiskeys are truly one-of-a-kind. Using signature malted grains, each expression is crafted from a different recipe and enters the barrel at a lower proof to preserve flavor.

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No shortcuts. No compromise. Nothing left to chance. With a clear mission to cut through the noise, he set out to redefine the standard for American Whiskey. So, find what you love, and go all in. Because destiny is a choice.

OUR PRODUCTS.svg__PID:38187e7a-836d-4d4a-b157-e86583adb7ca
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sherry cask finished bourbon

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four grain triple malt bourbon

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high rye double malt bourbon

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sour mash rye whiskey

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At a time when most bourbon on the market is made from only a handful of recipes, Kaveh’s one-of-a-kind mash bills have created a groundswell within the category, inspiring bourbon drinkers to learn more about America’s native spirit and begin to question the status quo.

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Our state-of-the-art distillery, nestled in Nulu, Louisville’s hub of art, food, and culture, invites you to come and witness our full whiskey-making process. This unique experience begins with how grain transforms to whiskey and culminates in our awe-inspiring Overlook lounge with a portfolio tasting* of 5 of our award-winning spirits.

Group 940.svg__PID:29b053d0-0de4-4533-b055-0c1e8ff6c9f6

Our whiskey’s are 51% corn and 49% possibility. Our Kentucky Straight Bourbon and Rye Whiskeys are truly one-of-a-kind. Using signature malted grains, each expression is crafted from a different recipe and enters the barrel at a lower proof to preserve flavor.

explore our products
Group 941.svg__PID:b053d00d-e425-43f0-950c-1e8ff6c9f659

No shortcuts. No compromise. Nothing left to chance. With a clear mission to cut through the noise, he set out to redefine the standard for American Whiskey. So, find what you love, and go all in. Because destiny is a choice.

read about our process
OUR PRODUCTS.svg__PID:e42533f0-550c-4e8f-b6c9-f659bcce3f40
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sherry cask finished bourbon

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four grain triple malt bourbon

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high rye double malt bourbon

Description of Image


sour mash rye whiskey

Group 942.svg__PID:53d00de4-2533-4055-8c1e-8ff6c9f659bc

At a time when most bourbon on the market is made from only a handful of recipes, Kaveh’s one-of-a-kind mash bills have created a groundswell within the category, inspiring bourbon drinkers to learn more about America’s native spirit and begin to question the status quo.

explore our purpose
Group 943.svg__PID:d00de425-33f0-450c-9e8f-f6c9f659bcce

Our state-of-the-art distillery, nestled in Nulu, Louisville’s hub of art, food, and culture, invites you to come and witness our full whiskey-making process. This unique experience begins with how grain transforms to whiskey and culminates in our awe-inspiring Overlook lounge with a portfolio tasting* of 5 of our award-winning spirits.

book a tour now